Aquatic Guidelines
Upon entering any municipal facility, participants agree to put safety first and treat the facility, fellow users, and staff with respect. Those who act in a disrespectful manner or fail to follow policies and procedures may have their access suspended.
Patron Code of Conduct
Safe access for everyone
Cranbrook Recreation and Culture promotes a positive environment based on mutual respect and cooperation. We ask our patrons treat each other and staff with dignity and respect. This can be achieved by:
- Creating a safe, positive, and inclusive environment for all participants.
- Treating fellow participants, staff, equipment, and facilities with respect.
- Ensuring expectations, regulations, and policies are followed.
- Everyone has a role in supporting a positive, safe environment.
The following behaviour is unacceptable, and staff will be required to report any occurrence involving them:
- Anti-social or negative behaviour resulting from intoxication or the use of drugs or alcohol
- The consumption of alcohol or drugs in our washroom facilities
- Smoking or vaping within our spaces
- Bringing weapons into our spaces
- Violent or aggressive behaviour
- Theft or vandalism of recreation or patron property
- Making threats, attempting to intimidate, goading, and inciting others to violence
- Any action that promotes discrimination, racism or hatred
- The use or display of abusive or offensive materials, words, or images
- Any action that damages, defaces, fouls or pollutes City property
- Any activity or conduct that would be detrimental to the environment at the site, breaches posted rules, and may negatively affect those in the immediate surrounding area
These behaviours will result in the user groups or individual(s) responsible having appropriate measures implemented to prevent these behaviours being repeated. Measures may include verbal warnings, development of behavioural expectation agreement, access restrictions, and suspension or termination of use of recreation facilities, services, and access to properties.
Addressing unacceptable behaviours
Failing to meet the behavioural expectations will result in some or all the following measures being implemented, depending on the severity of the incident.
The actions may include:
- A verbal warning
- A verbal suspension of access
- A written warning
- Issuance of a letter of behavioural expectation
- A written suspension of access
Aquatic staff and Supervisors are empowered to implement immediate short-term access restrictions (up to four (4) days). And any extensions will be undertaken in consultation with the Manager and/or Director of Recreation and Culture.
When evaluating the appropriate measures to be implemented the following factors will be taken into account:
- The nature and impact of the incident
- History of other incidents involving the individual(s) or group
- The potential for ongoing incidents
- The age and demeanor by the individual
- Whether the individual has taken responsibility for their behaviour.
Appeal process
When an access restriction is implemented, the manager or supervisor will provide a copy of the letter outlining the access restriction to the individual/group. If the individual who has had a restriction placed upon their access from a facility, program or property requests an appeal the following process will apply:
- Individual/group is provided a letter from the Director outlining the reason for (citing relevant bylaw and/or policy) and details of the access restriction.
- Access restriction letters will advise a request to appeal the decision can be submitted to the Director of Recreation and Culture.
- The Director of Recreation and Culture (or designate) will make arrangements with the individual/group to hear their appeal.
- A decision regarding the appeal will be provided in writing from the Director of Recreation and Culture no later than 30 days after the appeal has been heard.
- The access restriction will remain in effect during the appeal process.
- Where a decision results in a reduction of the length of the access restriction or withdrawal in its entirety, notice will be provided to appropriate staff at all affected facilities/sites.
General Facility Rules
Cell Phones
To protect the privacy and property of customers and visitors, we have guidelines for the use of cell phones, cameras, camera-€quippedcell phones and PDAs, as well as other recording devices in City of Cranbrook facilities.
- Use of cell phones, PDAs, cameras, and other recording devicesis restricted in the Cranbrook aquatic center.
- The public must speak with the Aquatic Manager before taking any photos while atthepool. Arrangements can be made to accommodate requests for individual and group photos.
- Change Rooms/Washrooms: Please tum off and store cell phones/PDAs/cameras/recording devices when using the change rooms or washrooms. Taking pictures within change rooms or washrooms is against the law.
- Cell phones are restricted to the viewing area and bleachers within the pool vicinity. Swimmers are now permitted to leave their cell phones in the aforementioned areas at their own risk.
- For security reasons and to protect the personal information of patrons, taking photos in the cash counter area is prohibited.
- Public Areas (Lobby, Arena, Courts, Classrooms, Party Room): Photos are permitted in these public areas withthepermission of a staff member.
- Patrons are encouraged to report any individuals usinga cell phone/PDA/cameraor other recording device in a suspicious manner to a staffmember immediately.
- If patrons have any concerns or questions regarding these guidelines, they should talk to the Aquatic Supervisor.
Individuals who do not comply with these guidelinesor are using these devices in a suspicious manner will be asked to leave and/or be banned from the facility or be charged by Cranbrook Police Service under the Canadian Criminal Code.
If someone needs your help, please assist if it is safe to do so.
If you witness a dangerous situation or an emergency, notify a staff member immediately.
In the event of a major emergency, an alarm may be sounded, and the area evacuated. Please follow staff direction and assist if asked.
Be prepared to provide a statement if you were a witness. It will help staff and emergency responders handle the situation and help prevent a reoccurrence.
First aid assistance is always available.
Change Rooms
Children ages 0-4 years old may use the male or female changes rooms withtheir parent or guardian.
Children of the opposite gender ages 5 years or older must use the family change room or the change roomof their gender.
Family Change Roomis for use by parents withchildrenup to ages 12 years old and individuals who require assistance or privacy due to special circumstances. A parent or guardian must accompany their child when using the family change room. Family Change Room is gender neutral
Lost, stolen, and damaged items
Lost or stolen items are not the responsibility of the City of Cranbrook's Recreation and Culture Department. Clients are encouraged to leave valuable items at home, or locked away if lockers are available for use.
TheCity of Cranbrook's Recreation and Culture Department is not responsible for damage to vehicles that take place on municipal property.
Private Promotion/Business
Individuals are not permitted to promote products or services they represent while using the pool.
External fitness instructors, swimming instructors, therapists and personal trainers are not permitted to privatelytrain or host classes at the pool unless authorized by Municipal staff.
Release, waiver, and indemnity
The participant (or parent or guardian if Participant is under the age of 18) voluntarily assumes any risk of injury or damage in connection with the use of services or facilities, and releases, discharges, andagrees to indemnify and save harmless the Oty of Cranbrook and its employees, agents, and volunteers from any liability, claim, demand, or cost whatsoever incurred arising out of the participation of the participant in the programs at the facility.
Pets and Emotional Support Animals
Pets and emotional support animals not included under the BC Guide Dogs and Service Dog Act or Alberta Service Dogs Act and are not permitted to enter Western Financial Place.
General Pool Rules
Walk on pool deck and in change rooms
For patron safety, excessive horseplay, pushing or dunking will not be permitted.
Patrons are not allowed to sit on each other’s shoulders.
No chewing gum in the pool.
Gum chewing while swimming can result in choking.
Gum on the pool deck or in the water increases the janitorial workload
Nursing Mothers are able to breastfeed at their own discretion within the WFP Aquatic
Service animals
Certified service dogs are permitted throughout the Western Financial Place building, including in the lobby, change rooms, café, washrooms and on the pool decks while on-duty.
Following the Alberta’s and British Columbia’s public swimming pool regulations, service dogs are not permitted in the pool.
All service dogs must be certified per the B.C. Guide Dog and Service Dog Act, or the Alberta Service Dogs Act. Staff may request patrons show their B.C. Guide Dog and Service Dog certificate or Alberta Service Dog Identification Card.
Out-of-province and international visitors are encouraged to visit the Government of British Columbia or Government of Alberta websites for information on certifying your service dog prior to travelling.
Lost and Found Goggles are not to be given out to the public.
As per the direction from the Department of Health.
Eye infections are not easily killed by chlorine, sharing of goggles can result in the spread of infections.
Exception: If you are going to lend out a pair of goggles/use them for lessons, they must first be washed with soap and water.
No hypoxic training/breath holding training
All persons under the age of 16 years must be accompanied by a responsible adult (19+) in the Steam Room and Sauna.
The sauna and the steam room are not areas that are in direct observation of the Lifeguard on deck.
Children tend to underestimate their ability to withstand extreme temperature fluctuations and can quickly succumb to medical conditions related to hot environments.
Recommended maximum time limit is 15 minutes.
Whirlpool maximum capacity is 19 people
Patrons using the whirlpool are to keep their head above the water at all times.
Provides for proper cooling of the body
Water clarity when the jets are on limits visibility of objects under the water
Prevention of ear infections.
Please shower before re-entering the main pool or leisure pool.
Showering allows the body to regulate cooling.
Showering cleans the sweat off of the body resulting in better pool chemistry.
Please use caution in hot areas if you are:
Taking medication
Currently under a doctor’s supervision
Have heart disease, high or low blood pressure
Person’s with communicable diseases, bandages, infections or open wounds/sores are prohibited to use the hot areas.
Possible spread of disease or infection to other patrons.
The person who is sick or has open sores/wounds can get an infection from the hot areas.
Diving board
1 patron at a time
1 bounce
Do not dive/jump towards any walls
Fulcrum (wheel) will remain locked in forward most position
Diving is only permitted on the deep end wall alongside diving board
Decrease the possibility of patron coming in contact with the bottom of the pool which could result in serious injury.
Diving in same direction of diving board reduces risk of divers colliding
Mats are only allowed shallower than 1.9m depth, but can be stood on
Eliminates risk of a diver jumping onto a mat
Do not hang on the lane ropes in the main pool.
Excess weight on the lane ropes could result in the lane snapping and the patron being cut by the exposed wires.
It is very time consuming to restring lane cable and it costs a lot of money to replace a snapped cable.
Swim in lanes on the right hand side (as if driving).
This helps with congested lanes being used without conflict.
The wave pool will be used as a leisure pool when waves are not in use.
While waves in motion, stay away from wave pool rope.
Prevents patron from getting to close to the wave generator.
Prevents the possibility of getting an arm/leg caught in the bars.
Standing on mats in the wave pool is prohibited.
The wave pool basin is too shallow.
Falling from the mat can result in serious injury in the case of contact with the bottom of the pool.
Jumping into the Wave Pool is not acceptable.
Jumping into the wave pool (jumping in from a height into shallow water) can result in ankle, knee, hip or back injury. This is intensified if the patron jumps in when a wave is at a low point, making the water shallower than normal.
Children under the age of 7 must be supervised by a responsible adult
- The adult must wait at the bottom of the slide to help the child out of the flume
One rider at a time, as per the directive from BC safety authority
The maximum operational load of the slide is 300lbs as per the slide manufacturer
Ride feet first, not head first
Must be 42 inches tall to ride
Do not wear t-shirts, jewellery, or eyeglasses in the slide
Do not take anything down in slide
- Lifejackets are permitted, provided they are being worn
Meant for small children/toddlers only
Must ride down seated
Must ride down feet first